Stimulating activities for the development of babies around 6 months

Stimulating activities for babies' development

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Practical activities for babies up to 6 months

As a parent you want to be involved in your baby's development, and now that they are around 6 months old, we can also make activities a little more challenging. Below are some practical activities you can do to promote different aspects of your little one's development.

Colorful ribbons for grasping skills

Hang colorful ribbons above the crib or on a playmat and encourage your baby to grab them. This helps develop their grasping skills and hand-eye coordination as they try to grab and hold the moving ribbons. Watch your little one grasp small objects with increasing concentration and enjoy the development of fine motor skills. By choosing ribbons you make it a little more challenging for your baby. The ribbons are thin, mobile and require some concentration to grasp.

You need: Colorful ribbons, for example satin ribbons, and a safe place to attach them.

colorful ribbons baby playing

Music and movement

Play cheerful and rhythmic music and encourage your baby to move along. You can dance while holding your baby or let them kick to the beat of the music. This improves their motor skills and stimulates their sense of rhythm and movement. Make it even more challenging by repeating a movement. Your baby observes you and will try to imitate you after some time. Clap along or wave your hands.

You need: Music list with cheerful and rhythmic music. Provide comfortable clothing to encourage movement for you and your baby. Listen to the playlist below:

playing outside and music for babies

Discovering textures in books

Choose books with different textures, such as fabric or embossing, and let your baby explore them with their hands and mouth. Encourage them to feel the different textures and name the materials as you browse together. This helps develop their sense of touch and explore new sensations.

Requirements: Books with different textures, such as fabric books or embossed books.

Take a look at the following feel-good books:

books for babies

Discovering objects with hiding games (KIEKEBOE)

Hide toys or objects under cloths or in boxes and encourage your baby to find them. This stimulates their curiosity, problem-solving skills and dexterity as they try to discover the hidden objects. In addition, you stimulate emotional development, so they gradually learn to understand that if something goes away, it can also come back. Consider, for example, learning to get used to going to daycare. Dad and/or mom always come back.

Requirements: Various toys or objects, cloths or boxes for hiding.

playing peek-a-boo with your baby

By doing these activities regularly with your baby, you can encourage their development in different areas while having fun together.

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